Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Did You Know.....

I took the following from a Facebook Status from a friend of mine:

Did you know that those who appear to be really strong, really are the most sensitive. Did you know that those who spend all their time protecting others, sometimes really need someone to protect them. Did you know that 3 of the hardest things to say are: I love you, I'm sorry, and Help me!

This really hit me.  I have no trouble saying "I Love You" or "I'm Sorry".  None what so ever.  However, I absolutely, positively hate asking for help.  It's just not how I am hard wired.  Even during such a life altering tragedy, I am the main support for my step son, and for anyone in the family that needs it.  I have soldiered through this grieving thing by keeping busy, crying  sometimes, and just "putting my head down and digging in", to coin a sports cliche.

I feel VERY uncomfortable asking for help.  Sometimes I'd like some, but I manage to "get it done" without assistance.  As Kim once said, I come by my stubbornness honestly. 

There are no rules in getting through this shit.  You just take it a day at a time.


  1. I think asking for help is something many have difficulty with. I also think accepting offers of help is also difficult for many of us. However, I recall being advised that accepting help or asking for help is not a weakness, it is truly a sign of strength. I think as we all have gotten older, it is something we're all learning more about. When we reach out for help, whether it be in a job or in grief, somehow it seems (I think) to lessen the burden or pain because it is shared.

  2. I agree.

    And the family has been a big help too...
